Parish Resources

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The Church Library

The Church Library is located by the coffee counter.  It includes books on Bible study, prayer, leading a Christian life, along with many other topics.     

When borrowing a book, please enter it in the red notebook, located on the shelf in front of the books along with a pen, and also note when it is returned.  Hugh Charman would welcome any comments on books that you find helpful, or other aspects of the Library.

Recommended books are displayed on the left hand end of the top of the bookcase, and we include reviews below. Other recommendations to Hugh Charman would be welcome.

Searching Issues by Nicky Gumbel

This book, written by the pioneer of the Alpha Course, covers many of the common questions we have about life and faith.  It is useful for everyone: those with no faith, those with faith and those who are curious.

There are seven difficult questions dealt with in this book. One is " Why does God allow suffering".  The author deals honestly with these and helps us to see all sides of the subject, giving straight answers where he can. Highly recommended. 

Commentaries on the Gospels

The four Gospel Commentaries have been added to the recommended section on the top shelf of the Library.  They can help our understanding and provide a new perspective, with each having a distinctive style.  There are some surprises, such as Luke as a pioneer of equal rights for woman.  Why not start with the one relating to the current Sunday services (Luke in 2019)?  



Friday 14th February
7:30pm - 9:00pm -
Sunday 16th February
8:00am - 9:00am -
9:30am - 10:30am -
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